Monday, 30 July 2007

End of month roll-check (Moocher update now added)

1) Deadly $1945 (+12) (-267) (+1) (+82) (+247) (+169)(+104) (+118)(-59)(+447) (-36) (+35) (+101) (-110) (+257) (+134) (+6) (+117)
2) Phillberto $1678 (+143) (-117) (+69) (+131) (+150)(-12) (+87) (+243) (+41) (+12) (+231)(+76)(+90) (+50) (+106) (+23) (+133) (+306)
3) Moocher666 $220 (-110) (nc) (-30) (-41) (-6) (-38) (-35) (-38) (-27) (-105) (nc) (+78) (+4)*
4) Bigshotbog $0 (-175) (nc) (-49) (nc) (nc) (nc)(nc) (nc)(-6) (nc)(-40) (nc)(nc) (nc) (-150)(nc) (+10) (-264)
*Moocher owes Phillberto$475

And a new format - monthly +/- with average monthly figures.

Deadly - July: -172 June: +638 May: +389 April: +382 Mrch (2wks) : +123 Average: +$302
Phillberto: July: +226 June: +468 May +360 Aprl: +269 Mrch (2 wks): +442 Average: +$392
Moocher: July -140 June: -120 May: -170 April (2 weeks): +81 Average: -$127
Bigshot: July: -224 June: 0 May: -46 April -150 March (2 weeks) -254 Average: -$150


deadlydp said...

Can you do a Live game summary since you started the blog?

Phillberto said...

It's a bit painful but tis done.

deadlydp said...

Why do you think I asked you to do it? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Phillberto said...

You could lay claim to be the most complete player as you are the only person to win at both live games and online. I say could because your inability to beat SNG donkaments lets you down. Even if it was back in '06.

deadlydp said...

I came second in 3.35 6 man SNG on Stars yesterday whilst I was waiting for the transfer to mark to go through. Should have won as well - guy sucked out on me HU.
And..Lay off with the flattery - it doesn't become you.