Monday, 16 July 2007

Rolls - Our Bread and butter

1) Deadly $2200 (+1) (+82) (+247) (+169)(+104) (+118)(-59)(+447) (-36) (+35) (+101) (-110) (+257) (+134) (+6) (+117)
2) Phillberto $1652 (+69) (+131) (+150)(-12) (+87) (+243) (+41) (+12) (+231)(+76)(+90) (+50) (+106) (+23) (+133) (+306)
3) Moocher666 (tbc)$360 (tbc) (tbc) (-41) (-6) (-38) (-35) (-38) (-27) (-105) (no change)(+78) (+4) *
4) Bigshotbog $175 (-49) (nc) (nc) (nc)(nc) (nc)(-6) (nc)(-40) (nc)(nc) (nc) (-150)(nc) (+10) (-264)
*Moocher owes Phillberto$475

With Moocher away in Dubai and Bigshot not responding to texts I've only updated myself and myself and Deadly this week. I really should have posted this week as I've managed quite a few hours play. Managed to lose 70 euros in one session so my weekly total could have been a lot better.
I'll post a fuller update tonight.


deadlydp said...

I was playing late on Saturday night after consuming some fine Cabernet Sauvignon and found myself with a pair of ducks in late position. I raised and got one caller. Flop came 2, 10, blank and EP bet pot and I raised the pot. EP called.
Next card is a 10 and for some reason I assumed I was beat by trip tens (wine no doubt). Guy checks and so do I. Luckily the next card is blank and EP bets pot. Then it finally dawns on me that I have a full house - doh! I request more time and eventually go all in - he calls and I felt him. Lucky for me I realised. I decided that was a good point to stop and watch a movie and finish the wine :-)

Anonymous said...

Genius. I might use the request more time tactic next time I have the nuts. Sounds like you were on a roll. If you ever call with a pair of ducks on a double paired board then that is time to stop.

My experience of drunken poker last week was a big success. I played maniac style for a change. Took some early losses but then when I raised big with just a flush draw and went allin when it landed. I wasn't believed and felted that madre-fornicator.

deadlydp said...

I think my check on the turn, he was slow rolling also..probably intentionally :-)...made the hand. The request for time is a classic bluff, have used it and had it used against me numerous times...what about the min raise preflop with aces tell? Spotted that one a few times lately to my cost as well.