Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Straight flush

This time it was the opponent that had it.

I raised a minraiser with TT to and got two callers (including the original raiser).
Flop 89T all diamonds.

The original raiser made a bet of just 2.50 into the pot. A very small bet and one that made me very suspicious. It wasn't protecting him against any draws.

Thinking about it this play makes some sense for Pocket Jacks. Any hand with the Ace of diamonds including pocket Aces (although not reraised) and a made flush (most likely the nut flush). Possibly a lower set hoping to get the opportunit

I chose to just call probably a mistake given my reads but I would have been happy to fold (or stick around if given the implied odds) if a diamond fell. The 8 hitting on the turn was enough to give me the third nuts and I really couldn't put him on a straight flush or quads so got it in.

Even the third guy in the hand remarked 'What a cooler'. I then sat out.
I played on at the other table but wished I hadn't as my decision making suffered.

1 comment:

deadlydp said...

That is unforunate, but these things do happen...quite a lot really.
I seem to be suffering most when I get a big stack. A typical example is that I buy in for $100 and play pretty aggressively, builidng that up to $200 - $300. In the 6 max games I am playing normally 1 or more of the opponents also has a $300+ stack.
It is then that poor decision making gets costly, or eveb just getting a bad run of cards. Going back to zero from these stacks is also somewhat tilt inducing, perhaps I should just introduce a profit stop point? Maybe $200?