Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Short Stacks and Poker Rankings

Managed to fix my internet connection and get back online again yesterday. The Poker4ever game choice is very limited. The only Short handed 50NL game on the go was showing an average pot of $30! Three guys at the table had stacks of over $200 and there was some pretty manic play going on. I bought in for $10 to take advantage of what I assumed was going to be a pretty profitable situation. They were looking to hit disguised hands so there was some hefty raising going on very light. On my first hand there was an UTG raise, cold call, reraise and call from both players. I had trash so had to leave that but thought perfect situations to shove over the top would be plentiful. Unfortunately I didn't have a hand for four rounds.

Having played tight I decide to raise to $3 with 44 and get a caller from one of the manic big stacks. Flop comes. Axx it is. He thinks and folds. I then raise and push with KJ on a QJx flop and get a caller but win.

Shortly after with a preflop raise again with KJ and a low flop I get put allin and opt to fold.

Now sitting with AA on the button I see a limp and raise to $2 in front of me. I bump it up to $6 and get called by the limper. I'm happy to see the original raiser raise to $20 putting me allin. The limper also calls.

Flop J9x.

The limper pushes for around 180! and the original raiser folds.

J9 he shows and takes down a nice pot (lucktard!)

I sit a round out to regain my composure and rebuy in for $10. I continue my short stack strategy and build up to $30. I'm a little thorn in the side of the big stacks and they gradually disappear. I then rebuy in for another $20 to make me big stack and play normal poker.

Interesting little experiment and glad I persevered after the mauling of my pocket rockets. I also played a 20NL table at the same time and made a small profit after losing a half my stack early on. Chalk up a $28 winning session and build up a few more bonus points.

Moocher returned to the $1 Star MTT's and managed only one $2 win. However his new Poker Stars ranking after the impressive weekend results is just behind his On Game ranking:
98,427 of 587,770 (Poker Stars)
77,582 of 587,770 (On Game Network)
Leaving a trailing BigshotBog at
301,442 of 587,770 (Poker Stars)


deadlydp said...

In the long term your strategy would work - patience is a virtue for TAG players. If you can sit and grind for a long time then you should make a profit.

deadlydp said...

Managed to sign off before my hols with a $100 win on Full Tilt. $0.25/$0.50 table - 62 hands and lots of good cards!
Good luck y'all.

Phillberto said...

Hasta luego/Au revoir.

Nice winning sign-off.