Thursday, 16 October 2008

Week 40 Oct 6 -13

Lamma Exchange 2232 (-36)
Phillberto Weekly -69 Total +1054
Deadly Weekly +136 Total +1036
Rummy Coakes -68 Total +799
Moocher Weekly -29 Total -29
Lamma_Jim Weekly -6 Total -198
Bigshot Bog Weekly nc Total -400

Tight at the top. I had to recover from bigger losses to get where I was. My play has been patchy. I keep seeming to lose my pre-flop all-ins. Latest one was AA v KK v QQ with KK taking hitting trips. Both me and QQ had bigger stacks so I did get a little money back but these results make it pretty difficult to score a winning session. In fact I had to fight tilt on a few occasions. I actually managed to recover a decent chunk of my losses on a hand where I didn't play trips as fast as I should have. I end up hitting Quads Rockets with my AQ. He has KK and quite reasonbly thought he was good with Aces over Kings full house only to lose his stack.

Got off to a poor start this week as well. Turning a $75 gain into $50 loss in some sloppy end of session play.

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