Sunday, 30 November 2008

Live from Phillberto's roof

Apologies as I managed to delete the final tallies of the night from my Blackberry. So I'll post my best guesses and please correct them before I add to the running totals.

Phillberto +$880
Rick +$500
Sham -$400
Rummy Coakes -$5xx
Bigshot -$400

My recollection of the hands have also dimmed with the passing of time so I'll recap the ones that spring to mind and edit in any other hands of note as I'm reminded.

The first mention has to go to Bigshot for a very brave calldown. Rummy Coakes fired on 3 streets. Bigshot called down on the river and Rummy had to show a bluff with nothing. The big surprise came when Bigshot showed AQ for Ace high having missed all his own draws.

The final hand of the night was also a big one with Phillberto making a pre-flop raise. Bigshot put in a re-raise and Phillberto called. Flop 96x. Phillberto raised Bigshots c-bet to $150 and Bigshot pushed for around $400. Phillberto called and his trip sixes held against Bigshot's pocket Jacks.

I returned from a swift break to see the final street of an interesting hand between Rummy Coakes and Bigshot on a T9xx board with a possible flush on the board. All the money went in but with both showing T9 the pot was split.

I recall Moocher having been involved in a series of big hands but will need to have my memory refreshed on that front as the only only one I can remember is Sham running into Moocher on a paired board with a King kicker with Moocher taking down a nice juicy pot - can't quite recall if he had the Ace kicker or trips in that one.

So looking like this could well be the final live Lamma session for me in 2009. I'll do the final tally later though just in case there are any games in my absence or we sneak one in somehow before I leave on Tuesday morning.


deadlydp said...

Nice to see you do well Phil, shame the online stuff aint going so good. Switch to LHE - some players, pros even, can't handle the swings of no limit.

Phillberto said...

Thanks.The online slump was a combination of a few things. Mostly trying to force a win a think. My win rates seem to be fairly consistant on the longer term. Just not quite good enough I'm afraid. I. break even at 50NL, win at 25NL. With Neteller back up and running and some flexibility in what sites and what bonus I play I may start eeking out a few more dollars.

How is your roll these days?

deadlydp said...

How is Neteller working? I can never seem to get the fucking thing to work. Cannot deposit into it from here.
Roll is ok, I gave Rummy some wedge the other week. I am doing well in $1-2 8 game mix (+100), took some shots at 200NL which were ultimately losing but not too bad. 100 NL seems to be the comfort zone but now I seem cursed at Omaha so giving that a break.

Anonymous said...

I won $780 on your rooftop Phil, can't remember any hands though, my only good memory was laying into Rummy Coakes with a load of table talk then bluffing my arse off encouraging him to raise me to which he duly folded, followed by getting pkt Qs the very next hand and doing the same tactics to which he could not let go leaving him to buy more chips, bully a bully!! online things are going quite well, from scratching and enduring the freeroll nonsense i have got my bankroll up to $250, I gave Bigshot a heads up where easy money lays being $13 FL tables. Only problem is you have to wait an eternity it seems for a MTT to fill up, still better than having your 3x BB bet preflop with KK being shoved all in by Fuckwit with A 2 off just to see an A on the river, Fixed Limit gives you a chance to see hands build and a better chance to get out of the way.