Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Week 42 Oct 20 -27

Lamma Exchange 1752 (-608)

Phillberto Weekly -197 Total +1391

Deadly Weekly -168 Total +782

Rummy Coakes -155 Total +445

Moocher Weekly nc Total -60

Lamma_Jim Weekly +5 Total -203

Bigshot Bog Weekly -93Total -603

Well worst week ever for the Lamma poker chaps. Black October. Deadly, frustrated with Omaha returns to Holdem and it fails to click into place. It was almost inevitable by best week ever would be followed by a re-donation. The Poker gods don’t like cocky winners obviously! Lamma Jim with his $20 cash injection allows him to ride the waves of the financial Tsunami at the virtual felt once again.Bigshot discovers a new high octane way to burn his roll at the novelty ‘Double or nothing’ tourney circuit.

A get well message to Moocher who was helicoptered to a HK hospital earlier this week. Hopefully he returns to his wily poker moonlighting soon.

Rummy has a new cash injection to his roll after helping a friend lose online. His dedication to book learnin’ will pay off soon I’m sure but it does need to be in conjunction with grinding out some hard lessons at the felt too to ensure those lessons are absorbed.

There may be some news from me soon that may well take this blog to the next level (mediocrity?). Watch this space.

Signing out with an appreciative applause for Bigshots tales of the felt from Macau and Korea. Hopefully we’ll get some more travelogues soon. Biggest Casino winner of the year is still at stake and so far everyone is on 0 or in deficit.

1 comment:

deadlydp said...

What news could it be??? :-)