Thursday, 22 November 2007

Another winning session

Two tabled for under an hour again last night and managed to chalk up another win on both tables. Doubled up on the first table and had lost half my buyin on the other but bought in for another $2 to ensure I covered everyone I had position on. Hit the second nut flush to double up and ended up winning on the second table too taking me up to $1,100 in my Poker4Ever account. Not bad for a $200 deposit.

Never managed to watch the MTT cardrunners video I downloaded. Maybe tonight for that.
Also have the latest episode of HSP to watch too. Good stuff. I think Moocher is stuck across in Dubai for a while. Any online action elsewhere?


deadlydp said...

That's a great return from that site! Good work :-)

I played Omahahaha last night and a couple of NLHE SNGs. Both didn't go too well. Omaha was funny though. A guy just raised to the max (pot) every hand and pretty much crushed the table for a few rounds - he felted me twice and another guy three times i think. Then - as you would expect - we took it in turns to win the money back. I managed to break even but the guy who lost three buy ins couldn't seem to win a coin flip and was very upset as other people took his money from the psycho. Psycho rebought a couple of times as well (thank goodness) and shared the wealth very nicely. 30 mins of madness - jolly good fun!

deadlydp said...

Tip for the big Tournament - think about moving A5s up in your ranking of playable hands. You heard it here first - it's gold!