Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Live - Winners and Losers

Bigshot +1228
Deadly +898
Spicer +520
Sham +506
Pete +210
Jack -34
Jan - 150
Steve -152
American Chris -400
Lamma_Jim -442
Phillberto -1118
Dave - 1150

Both Deadly and Spicer climb above Sham to secure second and third spot. Bigshot stays top of the pile and Phillberto manages to climb off bottom spot. Lamma_Jim may be difficult to persuade to return. Like the Scottish Don will be finding his own place in the ranking before long after he takes a few dalla off of Moocher at Backgammon.

1 comment:

deadlydp said...

Next time 5-10 blinds with 500 buy in?
Seriously should consider adding some other games also......we are all quite TAG at Hold 'em