Monday, 28 January 2008

Brass Monkeys - Live

Moocher followed in his tracks as Spicer once again called down his river bet bluffs to see him delving into his expenses slush fund on two occasions. Sham playing tighter than his norm kept a low profile taking down a couple of mid sized pots to finish up while Pete joined late and again showed down enough good enough hands to take down a selection of mid sized pots.

I manage to turn trips into a bluff but leave myself sufficient outs to spike a full house. Take another mid sized pot down on the flop with an open ended straight draw but then fritter it all away on blinds and speculative calls.

The main action falls on the final hand with Moocher as catalyst with his remaining stack of $70 going allin blind pre-flop. Deadly under the gun called and was joined by the Don who had newly bought in giving him $200+ and Bigshot who was otherwise breaking even.

With the rest of the remaining stacks going in post-flop as expected the cards were flipped. Deadly showed Pocket 6's ahead of Moocher's range but couldn't have been confident after seeing two more callers. With the Don holding QT he obviously has some gamble in his blood and he was happy to have spiked the Ten putting him ahead. Bigshot showed KQ who having previously dominated the Scottish one was now down to three outs, one more than Deadly. Moocher's cards escape my memory - two undercards to the ten perhaps.

The river blanked and Don took down the main pot plus two side pots to ensure his losses were reasonable and moving last year's big winners 2008 account into deficits.

Anyone around for CNY? Any prospect of a game over the break?

Summary (HK$)
Spicer +464
Sham +254
Pete +234
Doug +160
Phil +106
Bigshot -200
The Don -300
Moocher -600

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