Friday, 18 January 2008

Seems like the funky days are back again

With a brief lunchtime session at Poker4Ever to whet the appetite I put the kids to bed while Mrs Phillberto played football and drunk whisky with the team. Something not quite right there but it left me some poker time.

I reversed my strategy of two tabling 20 euros and opted for one table of 40euro NL. I realised my game was getting a bit on the loose side. I was throwing a lot of raises around post-flop and was being called down and getting myself in sticky situations. Tightening my starting requirements a notch and even limping in early positsion against aggressive players with mid pocket pairs and not betting every single draw or c-betting every flop were my adjustments. I started off at the table raising AQ and getting called and after hitting a Q I c-bet. Checked on the turn and then just calling a small blocking bet on the river. Maybe I could have got some more value of the hand but the conservative approach I set up worked for me.

I had one interesting hand where I was double stacked and up against an aggressive player who was also quite deep. I'll post the play later on that for comment.

I took down $10 from the first couple of tables I played and then picked up a $50+ win on the third maintaining my 40eNL PTBB/100 rate at over 20. Nice. My 20eNL is still a disaster but I now have my site losses down to just over a buy in and I'm confident I can reverse the situation before hitting my bonus payout of which I'm 2/3rds of the way through.

Most importantly I think I'm playing good thinking poker again and playing one table lets me notice things I'm sure I would have missed playing rushed multi-tabling.

I also get offered another $10 bonus from Ladbrokes Casino making it the third bonus of the month and if truth be told the sole reason my bankroll is still on the increase. My sports betting career continues this weekend with my money going on away victories for Hibs, Falkirk and Aberdeen in the Scottish Premiership. A string of bets next weekend should see me clear a $50 bonus there in time for the monthly total.

Finally on the casino whoring front I email three Casinos and get one positive reply re playing in Hong Kong. I believe they offer a $200 bonus so may have some Blackjack action to fill a lunchtime or two.

I may just be able to stay on track for the first month target re my annual goal.

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