Friday, 14 March 2008

Poker lite - Poker shite

I started off the week well. Played a planned short session. Played two tables of 10GBPNL and finished up $25. That was me finished for the night and I enjoyed a couple of Scottish Whiskies and watched a movie. I had an unexpected window of opportunity and played again though. I made some horrendous plays. Twice against the same opponent on a paired board not believing he had hit and managed to get felted with pocket rockets when I really should have known better. I was $75 down at one point but managed to stack someone to recover a buy-in with trips.

Bad start to the week and I only managed a short session at Poker4Ever before footie training. US$15 to the good there and played well.

I was planning to post my Monday night early hands but too embarrassed to post my losing hands so I won't.

Reports from Lamma Jim are of a dwindling bankroll but Moocher indicates his tourney rankings are doing well so I check them out.

Overall OPR Rank: 112,613 of 848,562

Showing an ROI of 83% on 3.25 games he is starting to show some consistant form. I've not heard a bad beat story for a while which is always a good thing.

Nice one Mooch -don't blow at next week's cash game (unless against me).

Its something I've neglected as Moocher is the only player that perseveres with tourneys and is the only player that maintains a ranking.

With a busy weekend I may not have time to reverse my still losing tally but will do my best to. Seems my plans for the year are drifting away from me. C'est la vie.

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