Monday, 31 March 2008

Week 13 - March 24-31

Lamma Poker Exchange 728 (-314)

Deadly Weekly +5 Total +891
Phillberto Weekly -136 Total +278
Moocher Weekly +5 Total +165
Lamma_Jim Weekly nc Total -156
Bigshot Bog Weekly -53 Total -450

After my terrible start to the week getting oversetted and drawn out on in a monster pot it was a quiet week. With boxes around and with my internet up and running I managed a couple of sessions yesterday. All was going well and I recovered $70 of my earlier $90 loss on my Poker4Ever account. I managed to get felted though and give it all back as bedlam broke all around and I played on in a stressful atmostphere.

I rejoined later and once again started well before losing pot after pot after reraising a caller of a very loose player. My raise put the short stack all allin. The other player chose to come along. With $24 in the pot and me with just a pot sized bet I shoved after being checked to on a very low flop. I was called and obviously wasn't too happy. When they flipped their hands I was up against A3 and K3. K3 called a pot sized shove with a flush draw and hit to take the pot.

After that I made some terrible plays and watched my funds slip down.

Oh well the start of a new quarter and time to draw a line under my worst quarter yet. Its still a winning one but this is my poker low point so far. Running bad and playing bad. Not a good combo.

Bigshot also continues his slump and dwindles perilously close to busting out.

Deadly manages a winning week however. Racking up a $5 increase. Time well spent.

We await Moocher's update - hopefully he can keep the Lamma flag flying.

Finally - a big thank you to all those that helped in the move.

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