Monday, 3 March 2008

Live in Lamma - Fifteen Hands

Here we have it. The hands that I can remember from the Saturday night extended live session. In a mostly random order. Feel free to share any others I may have missed.

Spicer v Phillberto

First hand - kicked off with a $20 raise Phillberto raise meeting a $50 reraise from Spicer in the blinds, with a premium pair perhaps which gets a Phillberto fold and first blood is drawn.

Its then Don, Don ,Don as hewins some nice pots and takes some more pots down with ovebets to accumulate the table's big stacks.

Deadly v Phillberto
A raise from Deadly is a called by Phillberto. The Flop comes Q85 rainbow. Deadly bets out for $20 and Phillberto reraises to $50. Deadly calls. The turn brings a low diamond. Deadly checks and Phillberto pushes for $160. Deadly thinks carefully but lays down.
Deadly shows QJ for top pair with a vulnerable kicker and Phillberto shows 78s for a succesful semi-bluff.

Don v Phillberto
A multi-way pot. A JJ9 flop. Three checks and Don leads out. Phillberto check-shoves for his depleted stack of around $100 and Don calls to be left with only runner runner outs and he sees another part of his initial stack depleted.
Phillberto shows KJ and Don was unwilling to laydown his A9.

Phillberto v Sham
One of many limped pots for the night. A flop of 446 with two clubs. Sham bets out in the small blind and is called by Spicer and Phillberto. Sham bets around half pot and is called by both again and the flush gets there on the turn. Sham bets again and leads out and this time Spicer gives up. Unperturbed by the flush possibility Sham leads out for $50. Phillberto calls.
Sham shows down a third four and Phillberto takes it down with 93s for the flush. A missed value bet from Phillberto who saw a monster under the bed with the paired board.

Phillberto v Spicer

A raised pot to $24 with Phillberto in position. A JJx flop and a flush draw. Phillberto bets out and is called. The flush draw completes on the turn and its checked to the river which is a King. Spicer checks and Phillberto leads for $28.
Spicer calls and loses to a full house and mucks.

Sham v Spicer
Its a Kxx flop. Spicer makes smallish value bets on each street and is called down. At showdown its a battle of the kickers
Sham's KJ beats Spicer's KT and Sham takes down a medium pot.

Spicer v Deadly
Spicer's stack is greatly diminished and he has tightened up and is waiting for a chance to double up. Deadly makes a raise in middle position. Spicer comes over the top and they end up allin preflop.
The match up is pocket Queen's for Spicer against Doug's AK. Spicer is a small favourite but neither can be faulted for their play.
A favourable flop and Turn for Spicer mean that only a third queen can allow Deadly to snatch it but its a blank and Spicer returns to approaching his starting stack.

Moocher v Bigshot
A9x with two diamonds on the flop and the money goes in sure and steady with a second 0 arriving on the turn and a flush draw getting their on the river. Moocher makes a dramatic push. Bigshot had around $575 in his stack before the hand so we are now looking at a monster pot of around $1,150 at stake. We saw some surprisingly poor hands at showdown last time. But this time Bigshot shows a rivered flush. Moocher had Pocket Aces which hit trips on the flop and then filled up in the turn always had a lock on the hand though and he proves the winnner of the biggest pot of Lamma Poker history.

Philberto v Don
Phillberto raises to $24 after a couple of limpers and its folds all round except Don who limp-calls from under the gun. Its a Qx3 flop. Don checks and Phillberto bets out for $30 and Don calls. Its a K on the turn and its checked by both. The river completes a flush and Don checks again. Phillberto opts to check behind. This time its not a missed value bet though as a check raise was imminent.
Don hit his trips on the flop with Pocket 3's and Phillberto escapes with most of his stack intact on what could have been an expensive pot if I'd decided to bet on the turn.

Deadly v Don
I'm missing the action on this hand. Doug makes a series of value bets only to get raised allin by Don on the river. He has to call of a $160 bet into maybe a $100 pot so he needs to be right more often than not. He makes the call and Don shows a brave bluff on bottom pair and Dougs top pair medium kicker stands up.

Deadly v Don
A raised pot and another tangle between the former custodian of a sizeable chunk of chips on the table to the soon to be posserssor of the largest chip real estate site on the table. Deadly further inflates the pot on the flop and Don calls him down. A third spade arrives on the turn and Deadly pushes. Don calls down and its another big pot at stake. The river brings a fourth spade meaning. Deadly shows flopped trip 9s which now look very vulnerable but Don called his stack off with A6(?) and top two pair. Unfortunately he didn't have a spade and Deadly's stack grows.

Moocher v Deadly
Moocher limps on the button and its a multiway pot with Deadly getting to see a flop in the Big Blind.
A low flop and the money starts to go in. Nothing dramatic but more money goes in on the turn. The river brings another low card and Deadly bets out. Moocher thinks about coming over the top but opts to just call. Moocher reveals Pocket Aces and he loses to Deadly's 63 which hit a straight. Not the way that pros recommend to play pocket rockets for sure but he did just take down the biggest Lamma pot so maybe we'll allow him to mix it up a little.

Don v Moocher
Its A34 on the flop and Don and Moocher are the only two willing to invest more money to see the turn. the turn is a 2 which sparks the rest of the money piling in after an allin from Don and Moocher decides to call. Moocher show an Ace with a ten kicker. Don has A5 for the straight and Rick is left with only two outs that can save him. He is dancing and whooping under the fairy lights when he gets his miracle card to save his stack and Don must be sick having already had to split a couple of pots on Axxx flops when having the board negate his better kicker and splitting pots that were otherwise coming his way.

Spicer v Bigshot
Bigshot in position in a raised pot. Its a flop that looks likely to have helped either of them. Low cards keep arriving and by the river there is a sizeable pot and a board of 22343. When the money goes in its looking likely to be a battle of overpairs. Spicer shows down KK and has to be expecting to be good but Bigshot produces an unexpected A5 from his metaphorical sleeve to felt Spicer.

Spicer v Sham
Its a 99x flop and Sham leads quite weakly. Spicer just calls with position. The turn sees a larger bet from Sham but still pricing in a flush draw to hang around. The flush hits on the river and Spicer checks. Sham doesn't consider the flush possibility and bets out big only to see a checkraise allin. He calls and is perhaps the only perhaps the only person to be surprised when Spicer shows down the flush.
Its the final felting of the night and soon after the chips are tallied and the cash divided.

1 comment:

deadlydp said...

Sham vs Deadly
Deadly makes it 24 to go from early position. Sham is the only caller.
Flop is T8x - Deadly bets 24 again , Sham calls.
Turn is 7 - Deadly makes it 48 more, Sham reraises all in for another 190 on top. Deadly pauses for a long think and throws away Aces face up. Sham curses and shows his J9 for a straight on the turn.

Good game by all, and shows the virtue of patience as we waited for Don to give us back the chips we accumulated early on. Lots of really interesting and big pots all night.