Friday, 29 February 2008

Frame of Mind

Played very briefly on Wednesday. I lost $20 on Poker4Ever on one hand playing 50NL. I raised pre-flop with T8 s and got one caller. A Qxx two suited flop and I c-bet and get called. My flush draw arrives on the turn and he has a pot sized bet left so I shove. He calls with T8s for the other flush draw. 9 cards for a win for a me. 9 cards for a win for him and the rest for a split. He takes it. I then head off home and play briefly before dinner with a baby in my lap and a in generally stressful environment. Fortuately its just GBP6 game and very possibly because of it raise in the cutoff and get reraised and I shove. He instacalls with Aces and the miracle doesn't happen. The other table I'm up against a short stack with AK. I reraise and then push on the flop and he calls with T9 which it on the flop.

I lose $20 in a very short session and don't return for more eroding my previous climb-back.

While playing AK this strong can work by getting folds out of TT and JJ etc at these levels people are more inclined to call and less inclined to 3bet with anything less than a premium so I need to look at my Big Slick play at the lower level.

I make amends while playing 20NL on Poker4Ever whilst waiting for footie training to start and pull back the previous days deficits plus one mighty dollar more. I felt I played really well and made some good, well sized value bets. On one hand I hit a straight on the river that also brought a flush. He made a pot sized raise having hit trips on the turn and checking. I also hit a full house against a rivered flush to win $16 and picked up a few smaller pots and smelt trouble and bailed early on a couple of crucial pots.

Not much progress being made once again this week. Hopefully the live game will be a chance to make amends.

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