Monday, 4 February 2008

Quarter 1 - Target assessment

January Target: +$300 January Actual +355
February Target: +$500
March Target: +$450

As I was anticipating a $200 bonus being cleared in February my predictions are a bit inaccurate and in real terms I'm actually behind in terms of where I want to be. I 'll be working on clearing the following Bonus in February (Ultimate Bet $50, Pacific Poker $100 - already 75% completed- and Interpoker $100). Earned as follows:
Week 6 (11/2)- $100 Bonus
Week 7 (18/2)- $50 Bonus
Week 10 (3/3) - $100 Bonus
Week 13 (31/3) - $100 Bonus

Which means I'll need to run at winning $6.68 an hour on the tables so around 5 PTBB/100 if I play 80 hands an hour. If I can 2 table and still maintain the win-rate that would make life easier.

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