Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Disaster for Scotland!

It's Saturday night and as I'm waiting for my PC to carry out its ever slower booting up I have a quick visit to Poker4Ever on the laptop. I lose $10 on an early hand and buy back in to the max. I raise under the gun with a highly speculative 35s. I flop a straight on a 467 board. The action explodes on the flop and we end up getting our whole stacks in there. He has trip 7s but draws out in me and felts me. I log off to try my luck on Interpoker and work on the bonus accumulation. Its not about to get any better for me.

In no particular order these are the hands that Lady Luck, variance or whatever you call that tilt inducing beast decided to deal me.

KK against AA. It all went in preflop against a loose aggressive opponent. I'm well behind so this is just one of those situations. I shrug it off.
AQs - I reraise in position and get a flush draw. I get it in and get called -even so I'm hoping I may have two overcards and a flush draw making me a favourite against say JJ. Its KK and I miss my 24 outs.
AK v JJ - I rereaise and hit an Ace on the flop. We get it allin but he still has 2 outs. He hits both of them for quads.
KJ v K6 - I raise under the gun in a short handed table and get called by the Big Blind. There is a flush draw on board and possible straight draw. I am put to a very difficult decision and opt to get it allin. He hit 2 pair on the flop with K6 and I lose a stack.
88 v AT - It's another reraised pot against a short stack. Its a safe flop and I get it all in. He calls with 2 overcards and 2 cards to come. 6 outs and he of course hits.
TT v A4s - People are getting their money in against me. No wonder as I'm running so bad. A flush draw on the board and I shove on a 9xx flop. He calls and then hits his flush.
AK v 34 - I connect on the flop but the short stack sticks around and hits his two pair on the river and doubles up.
AK v 22 - Allin preflop. He calls with 22 and I miss. Its getting brutal now.
AK v T7 - He calls a bet on a A87 flop. A ten lands on the turn and I lose another stack - tilt possibly?
Q8 v JJ - In position I c-bet with a flush draw. I hit my Queen and my flush draw is live so I shove. He calls and is thoroghly dominated but hits a 2 outer to double up.
KK v QQ - Allin preflop and he hits trips.
AK v 45 - He hits two pair on the river and despite checking takes down more of my leaking cash.

End result is $230 down and the most brutal session I have faced. After losing $180 I switched to the GBP6 tables. This means that my losses could have been a lot worse had I persevered at 50NL.

After looking back at my hands in hindsight I realised that most of my decision were sound as the majority of my money went in ahead.

My revisit to Interpoker has been a torment so far. After redepositing $200 I check my balance at the end and I'm down to $20 and just 40% of the way towards getting a $100 bonus.

I decide to call it a night and take the rest of the weekend off.

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