Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Week 6 - Feb 5-12

Lamma Poker Exchange 1179 (+37)
Deadly Weekly nc Total +801
Phillberto Weekly + 128 Total +493
Bigshot Bog Weekly -28 Total +7
Moocher Weekly -83 Total -60
Lamma_Jim Weekly +20 Total -62

Lamma Jim turns the corner, does a three point turn and then takes the wrong exit at the roundabout but still manages to head in the right direction. I get subjected to a poker ban and domestic strife that limits my opportunity to catch Deadly who has been jogging on the spot for two weeks. Bigshot visits the playground and decides to have a go on the swings. The week ends on an upswing and he gets his nose back in the black. I await figures from Moocher although a delay is never a good sign!
I've been struggling to get Ladbrokes and Pacific Poker to live up to their bonus promise. I manage to squeeze $10 out of a Ladbrokes Blackjack bonus (Whoopie-Doo!) and for some unknown reason Pacific Poker decide to only pay 2/3rds of my bonus. I'm currently slightly down on Interpoker and having to readjuct after the super-loose Pacific play but remain shy of my targets. Ho Hum.

Late news in from Moocher. His silence was a result of bad news...busto.

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