Monday, 11 August 2008

Hats off to Harrington

Firstly a miscalculation in last week’s figures from me. It was a losing week instead of a winning won and I’ve now adjusted the figures.

I started of the week in a similar vein dropping another $50 and plodding on in the same fashion I have for most of the year. 4 tabling 25NL I had a small win-rate of around 2BB/100. Pretty mediocre. Winning but only just and very prone to spells of tilt that could arise months of small wins in one session.

The bonus all seem to suck these days and I can even depend on $3 an hour from those. Even tabling 25NL I’m only getting $2/hour. Bah. Starting to seem like to little reward.

Until. I did manage to accumulate enough points to order ‘Harrington on Cash Games. Vol 1’. A few chapters in and I read something that has transformed my game. As I believe this is my secret sauce its something I won’t share but I think its been costing me a lot of money. Its not exactly something new I’ve learned but in a situation where I want to achieve two different things which happen to be opposites of another I’ve been consistently making the wrong decision. As a result my mistakes have been big ones. I really think I’ve cracked it and this could make a huge difference to my 25NL results. I’m already up to over 3PTBB/100 and feel I can keep the momentum going. Its not a great week as I had to contend with recovering from dropping a few buy-ins but I am back.

Also fund a stranger sitting on my left at a table last night. Took me a few rounds to notice that Deadlydp had thrown his hat in the ring. We both managed to increase our stacks. Deadly felting a shortie with trips and me doing likewise with Top2 (A7) in a limped pot with another shortie.

Felted an aggressive player with AA on another table to double up. He bought back in but had dropped to $17 and a round later I had AA again facing an early position raise. I bump it up to $4 and he calls. I stick in another $5 with 9xx and no draws. He calls and a 10 lands. He has $8 left so I stick it in and he calls with T9 to bust me back. In another preflop dual I get $10 in pre-flop with KK and a medium stack. He has less than a pot sized bet on a low flop. He pushes and I call only to see a Killer Queen land on the turn. Despite less than perfect results in favourble situations I still manage to record a reasonable winning session.

Deadly despite winning at my 25NL table was faring worse at Omaha and dropped a $100 whilst stalking me.


deadlydp said...

You'll have to tell us what this "magic" is????

Phillberto said...

Reveal my secret sauce. Never. It was a bolt of lightning moment of clarity though.

So much of my decision making are much more straight-forward now. Particularly in big pots.