Thursday, 14 August 2008

Pride before a fall?

My turn in fortune continues.

I’m not only very pleased with the results of my latest adjustments but now also pretty comfortable playing 4 tables and not feeling it impacts on my decision making at all. I returned from my break in Scotland and was able to over-turn a deficit at Stars after 8,500 hands. I’m now approaching 15,000 hands and turned that around to +5PTBB/100. Prior to my turn-around I had been squeaking along at 2PTBB/100.

My target is to be winning at 10PTBB/100 at 25NL 4 tabling which I have been doing in the past couple of weeks. That equates to $15/hour without bonus. That would work out at over 18.7K(HK$) a month playing 40 hours a week. Bonus should work out at a further HK$6,000. A lot of hard work for a meagre wage but pull that same performance off at 50NL and you are looking at 50K a month.

Readers of the blog will know that this kind of thinking normally triggers a down-turn in my fortunes.


deadlydp said...

Recreate the same results at 400NL at who knows what you might be earning!

Phillberto said...

Granted its a bit speculative. I'm on a good run...if I could do twice as well on a long term basis then all I would need to do is double the stakes and Bob's your uncle.