Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Sklansky - you owe me.

Sklansky Bucks

I'm currently looking for a Lamma establishment that accepts Sklansky bucks having won a wad of them last night. Having wheeled home a new bed and shiny new flat-screen telly and HD-DVR recorder I was all set to get them up and running and forget poker for the night. I managed to plug in the Wii but both the Satellite and DVD player picture were poor and I couldn't manage to attach the laptop although did manage to hook up the Wii and old DVD player. Somewhat disgruntled I gave up and went to play some poker. Lady luck wasn't about to allow my frustration to be appeased either.

With 10GBP (fortunately the lower buy-in of my two tables) I found myself with Kings in the cut-off. I raise it to 40 shiny new pennies and the aggressive Big Blind 3-bets me to 1.20. I've been pondering the possibility of making overbets with big hands here recently. More often than not anyone with a big pair like mine would raise but with the hope of his opponent sticking around. I had a decent amount of stats on this guy and despite him being very aggro this 3 bet out of position was unusual I therefore expected a hand he didn't want to let go. I make my shove and he ponders then calls and I'm sure I'm ahead and probably a long way ahead. He has AK so I'm winning 7 times out of ten according to probability and according to Mr Sklansky I've now won 7 of your so called British pounds. This happened to be one of the other three times where the real money eluded me but my Sklansky cheque was still delivered on time. As Mrs P was sitting in the vicinity and watching the hand with a big smile on her face I dispensed a quick ranted accusation of disloyalty which was greeted with another hearty laugh. It was only later that she was smiling because she thought I had won!

I'd like to propose a new currency - The Todd Tilt $. The tt$ comes into effect once you run up a decent wad of Sklansky bucks but fail to realise this in real money terms. The Todd Tilt buck is then dished out to random opponents as one tries to push calling stations off of hands and decide that a rock might be bluffing. I managed to give away $10TT$ before the curtain closed and once again its looking like another break-even week.


deadlydp said...

It is unfortunate that I dived straight back into HU play after my break. With sleep depravation (baby doesnt get jet lag) and general lack of match practice I have now managed to donk off nearly 200 bucks in 2 early morning sessions. Whilst I could put this down to bad luck actually my play sucked big time. Took a break from that and went 6 max which was much more relaxing and allowed me to reduce the defecit by $25.....

deadlydp said...

Eeking my way back - +50 last selection is key!