Sunday, 3 June 2007

Aces getting cracked.

Thursday 31st May (cont)
I get home at a reasonable time having only quaffed a few red wines at the closing party of the event my company were running. Spark up Wild Jack and try to make amends for earlier.

Table 1 - I take a nice pot down when AQ hits a full house but I end up folding too many hands to lose pots at the US$3 or US$4 mark. Close that table US$2.50 down.

Table 2 - Certainly nor playing well and I offer this hand as proof.
- Gingerfish sitting in seat 1 with $17.40
- Seed5 sitting in seat 2 with $15.24
[Dealer]- mullemand111 sitting in seat 3 with $8.16
- Phillberto01 sitting in seat 4 with $19.80-
Ch4p sitting in seat 5 with $14.80-
chaffinch sitting in seat 6 with $19.10
mullemand111 posted the small blind - $0.10
Phillberto01 posted the big blind - $0.20
** Dealing card to Phillberto01: Ace of Hearts, Ace of Spades
Ch4p folded
chaffinch raised - $1.20
Gingerfish folded
Seed5 called - $1.20
mullemand111 folded
Phillberto01 called - $1.20
** Dealing the flop: 9 of Diamonds, Queen of Spades, 8 of Spades
Phillberto01 checked
chaffinch checked
Seed5 bet - $3.21
Phillberto01 called - $3.21
chaffinch folded
** Dealing the turn: 10 of Clubs
Phillberto01 checked
Seed5 checked
** Dealing the river: 7 of Hearts
Phillberto01 bet - $5.00
Seed5 raised - $10.00
Phillberto01 called - $10.00

First big mistake was not re-raising when I got the chance pre-flop. I would either have taken the pot down or been playing a pot big enough to get it all in on almost any flop.After missing my chance I'm out of position I really wanted to keep the pot size under control. With a raiser and two callers it is already pretty big. I hate his check on the turn having hit a hand. A bet there would have got me in big trouble.
On the river reraise it should have been as easy laydown by me. Because I'd under-represented my hand the whole way though I couldn't find a fold and paid to see he had hit his straight on the turn. Bah, another US$8.50 lost and I call it a night.

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