Monday, 4 June 2007

Table Selection

I've been putting some work into table selection in the past few sessions. I now have my laptop next to me as I play on the PC with the laptop on the poker-edge website and run through the ids of all the players I am up against while I am waiting for the first big blind.

If find more than one good player I leave unless there are a couple of fish to make it worth sticking around. I can also occasionally get an option to choose the best seat to maximise my chance of busting the fish although usually its just one seat left.

On prima (Wild Jack) there are a reasonable number of regulars in a fairly small pool of players at the 20NL stakes. Not all the regulars are good though. Some are rocks, some are loose aggressive aggressive. With no pre-knowledge I could lose a bunch to either of these. Knowing what you are up against you can take advantage from the first hand.

The problem is Poker-Edge only has data on 1/3rd of players. It may also be a small sample as on a few occasions its been wrong. Maybe somebody has read a book or two and learned to play in the meantime but I still like to take it a bit easy for the first few rotations until the table stats indicate the poker-edge read is likely to be right.

I've also started taking notes on players for the first time and colour coding each player. Green for fish, yellow for rocks, maniacs, mediocre players and orange for solid players. I still have red available for use. Applications welcome!

Next step would be to go through played hands of regulars looking for tells in their betting patterns from Poker Tracker database but the samples are pretty small to try this at the moment.

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