Monday, 11 June 2007

Phillberto v Bad Maniac and Phillberto v Good maniac

I notice some scary looking average pot size stats on a table so decide to take a look. One seat there so I grab it as I notice Mr Allin with anything is causing some havoc at the table.

Sitting with US$105 his tactics are simple. "mallin" - every hand without fail. I fold twice during which time he gets a caller with AK who hits and beats his J6o. This is clearly a small window of opportunity. I'm now rooting for the crazy man and hoping he will add to his stack! Done to US$55 he doesn't disappoint and obliges with his trade-mark play. I'm on the button with AQo. I pause for a second. considering how risky a play this is with two to act behind me. I think I have to make the call but pray noone calls behind me. I get a call by a mid stack (US$27). Its prima so only winning hands aren't shown.

I think I've taken it when I see a pile of chips heading towards my stack but then realise I've taken only the side pot. Flop was KQ4 so I had to think I was good bar pocket AA, KK, QQ or AK. All quite plausible hands given his play. He show just KJ though but its still good enough. Ah well US$3 lost only although like a shooting star the maniac implodes and disappears into the internet cosmos. I take a chunk from a calling station and its all good after all.
I wish I'd been there to see what caused the chain reaction that led to such craziness though.

On to another table and this time its almost as juicy.

Mr Maniac is putting in some pretty big bets on the flop and turn and is taking it down a lot. He is building a decent stack. Up US$120 and I think he is using a thought out strategy (along the lines of the won deadly attempted previously before abandoning. I get AA very early on. I make a standard raise of US$2 and get raised to US$7. That is perfect for me and I re-pop him for US$21. I expect to take it down but he calls. I've only got US$27 behind in a US$46 pot. I briefly consider playing possum and trying to make a weak bet but decide that could be read a strong. I push and he folds.

I don't think he will allow me to play a big pair that way again. I bide my time and decide to raise with an unreadable hand Q6o, raising to US$2 and he folds.

I raise AK again and miss on the flop. I decide to check it and he checks behind, wary that I may be setting a trap. When I check it down to the river without hitting he bets pot. I fold.

I get KK after just another round. I raise to US$2. He flat calls. I make a mental note to not get too attached to just a pair. I want to keep a small pot here unless I spike trips. Flop comes Jd 9s 5d. I c-bet and he raises to US$16. I've still got US$78 behind me and will have to play it out of position. I think through my options. A push will only be called if I'm beat. He could have anything here. Flush draw, two pair, trips. I just can't come up with a play I like. If I play it I'm pretty sure he will put me on an overpair if I play back. I click the extra time button and then fold.
He claims he had 9 5. One guy says good fold. 2 of them say they wouldn't have folded.

I have AKo and raise to US$2 shortly after. He calls. Flop is three diamonds j 10 6. I have the A diamonds. I bet US$3.50 and he calls. Gut shot and nut flush draw I bet 3/4 pot. I think he takes this as weakness although I'd play a baby flush the same. He pushes allin. I fold. He claims he had the flush. Not sure if I believe him or not now.

Not confident enough in my defence against this play to continue and I take my smallish profit and leave. I'm going to come up with a strategy for this player and stick to it. I felt I played a bit scared. He seems to be the guy that decides when the chips go in and he uses that to his advantage. I use the same strategy against short stacks who are prone to going all-in or folding. Bet enough to fold them or let them push and then pick them off with hands that you beat and fold others.

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