Friday, 8 June 2007


No action in Phillbertoville last night but Deadly chalks up a quick $16 win in precisely 24mins. Moocher grinds out 3 table hours (two tabling) probably reaching the half way point for his $100 bonus but losing $3.75 in the process. Despite winning a tourney his bankroll hovers around $370 meaning the bonus is required to ensure he can make some inroads in his current US$185 deficit.
Forgotten Bigshot mentions dipping his toe back into the poker waters but no update as yet.

1 comment:

deadlydp said...

what're your thoughts on Shortstacks? last nite and previous nite I deliberately targetted tables where despite the 50 max buyin all the players were sub $40. Seemed to get some varying styles of play between super loose (I've got $10 and I'm going to stick it in on a coin flip) and uber tight (I've saved up for this $14.27 and I'm not wasting unless I've got the nuts). Seems to be profitable so far - until the other, bigger sharks join the feeding frenzy...then it gets messy.